Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Students Should Be Allowed to Take Their Choice of Courses free essay sample
There has been a lot of discussion on whether secondary schools ought to pick courses for their understudies. While others are of the sentiment that courses ought to be picked for understudies, others accept that understudies ought to be allowed the chance to pick the courses they wish to examine. In my perspective, secondary schools should allow understudies to pick the courses they need to contemplate. Above all else, understudies ought to be allowed the chance to assume control over their future. Before understudies move to secondary schools, they have concentrated in grade schools and best know the subjects they are acceptable at.Some even choose the subjects they will do in secondary schools while they are still in elementary schools. Thus, picking a subject for understudies like these ones who have just settled on direct choices on what to do in secondary schools will be inconvenient for them and their profession. We will compose a custom article test on Understudies Should Be Allowed to Take Their Choice of Courses or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Moreover, a few understudies definitely comprehend what to do in future before they move to secondary schools. There are understudies whose relatives are now laborers in places like; organizations and emergency clinics. An understudy may choose to study electrical building on the grounds that a relative has promised the person in question a vocation in a designing company.The school probably won't have the foggiest idea about this and conclude that the understudy takes expressions courses. This will accomplish more mischief than anything to the understudy, and there is a high chance that the understudy won't want to concentrate in that area, since he/she doesn't have a clue about the significance of it in his/her future. At long last, a few understudies abhor certain subjects in grade school, and will need to maintain a strategic distance from those subjects when they move to secondary schools. While in grade school, understudies perform distinctively in various subjects, and will need to keep away from those courses they consider as their own bad dream when they are in high schools.If subjects are to be picked for understudies, there will be a likelihood that one of these courses may be chosen for the understudy. On the off chance that he/she keeps on performing inadequately in the subject, it can even reason him/her to drop out of school. To close, secondary schools are places where understudies go to get ready for their future, and hence; understudies ought to be allowed to assume control over their future. In the event that furthermore that understudy knows the particular occupation they will do in future and despise studying subjects they consider as their bad dreams, they ought to be allowed the chance to choose the courses they need to examine.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Organizational Planning Verizon Wireless Essay Example for Free
Authoritative Planning Verizon Wireless Essay Authoritative Planning: SWOT Analysis for Verizon Wireless Before arranging can start, a structure ought to be worked to manage the dynamic procedure by distinguishing what the general objective is to be. At Verizon Wireless, the statement of purpose, or philosophy, is broken into 5 segments that are the pathway for initiative inside the organization, just as for inner partners, to guarantee the achievement of the organization. Verizon Wireless distinguishes qualities similar to a top notch supplier of correspondences administrations, being focused on clients through cooperation, and recognizing that simply being the greatest isn't equivalent to being the best. By recognizing shortcomings, for example, being receptive to contender contributions, estimating structure of plans, and the apparent absence of a worldwide nearness, checking on the philosophy can start change to address these shortcomings and make openings from them. Recognizing the chances of system foundation development, rearrangements of valuing plans for the two organizations and shoppers, and giving fluctuated hardware estimating choices permit the organization to address a portion of the shortcomings. Dangers are recognized as rivalry from different suppliers, showcase infiltration for administrations, and proposed guidelines from the F.C.C. with respect to internet fairness. Overall, these recognized regions give the guide to make progress for both the interior and outer partners. When defining a drawn out objective, or vital arrangement, the philosophy is counseled to guarantee that the territories distinguished in the SWOT are being tended to. With a key arrangement set up, Verizon Wireless can set long haul objectives on how they intend to expand their qualities, diminish their shortcomings, exploit their chances and limit the dangers. One of these key plans set up is to develop piece of the pie by increasing extra clients. Long haul development of clients is central to the life span of the organization. Without new clients the organization gets stale and benefits may fall. Both the interior and outer partners would be despondent if Verizon Wireless didn't give an incentive to them eitherâ monetarily or through the administration itself. Survey and affirmation of projects being offered to clients is continually being reconsidered as changes inside the commercial center direct. This drawn out vital arranging will be liquid as the requirements of the client change. An operational arrangement makes some shorter memories line to accomplish the objective. The objective of starting new development through new items and administration can be practiced through the Verizon Wireless Partner Program. The selection of new innovation and reconciliation of gadgets guarantee Verizon Wireless to accomplishes this objective going ahead by joining forces with organizations to give hardware and administrations. As indicated by Partnerships Verizon (n.d.), Verizon’s grant winning Partner Program centers around better serving the necessities of clients by empowering them to disentangle how they expend correspondences and IT benefits such that best addresses their issues, while giving them access to the full Verizon portfolio. In the case of cooperating with Verizon straightforwardly, in a roundabout way through program individuals, or as a half and half, clients can exploit Verizon’s cutting edge administrations portfolio.†(2). These sorts of associations work from the responsibility that Verizon Wireless has expressed, â€Å"We hold ourselves to an exceptionally elevated expectation of execution. We prize creative thoughts and the cooperation it takes to get them going. We ask constantly ourselves how we can make the client experience better, and consistently we find new answers.†(Commitment Values, n.d.) In this operational arrangement, the inner partner is fulfilled in light of the fact that the organization is starting new development, and the outside partner is fulfilled on the grounds that the new items and administrations are giving extra income. With both vital and operational plans set up, Verizon Wireless is ready to make progress in both the close to term just as far into what's to come. Reference Verizon Wireless. (n.d.). Responsibility Values. Recovered 2/28/15 from esteems Verizon Wireless. (n.d.). Organizations Verizon. Recovered 2/28/15, from
Monday, August 17, 2020
Imposter Syndrome and Social Anxiety Disorder
Imposter Syndrome and Social Anxiety Disorder Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms Print Imposter Syndrome and Social Anxiety Disorder By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Reviewed by Reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW on November 29, 2019 facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our Wellness Board Amy Morin, LCSW Updated on January 14, 2020 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Robert Daly / Caiaiimage / Getty Images In This Article Table of Contents Expand Definition Social Anxiety Contributing Factors Negative Effects Overcoming Imposter Syndrome View All Imposter syndrome (IS) is a term that was first used by psychologists Suzanna Imes and Pauline Rose Clance in the 1970s.?? When the concept of IS was introduced, it was originally thought to apply mostly to high-achieving women. Since then, it has been recognized as more widely experienced, and it is estimated that 70% of people will experience at least one episode of this phenomenon in their lives.?? What Is Imposter Syndrome? Impostor syndrome refers to an internal experience of believing that you are not as competent as others perceive you to be. While this definition is usually narrowly applied to intelligence and achievement, it has links to perfectionism and the social context. To put it simply, it is the experience of feeling like a phonyâ€"you feel as though at any moment you are going to be found out as a fraudâ€"like you dont belong where you are, and you only got there through dumb luck. While impostor syndrome is not a recognized disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), it is not uncommon. The Overlap Between Impostor Syndrome and Social Anxiety Its easy to see how impostor syndrome and social anxiety may overlap. A person with social anxiety disorder (SAD) may feel as though they dont belong in social or performance situations. You might be in a conversation with someone and feel as though they are going to discover your social incompetence. You might be delivering a presentation and feel as though you just need to get through it before anyone realizes you really dont belong there. While the symptoms of social anxiety can feed feelings of imposter syndrome, but this does not mean that everyone with imposter syndrome has social anxiety or vice versa. People without social anxiety can feel a lack of confidence and competence. Imposter syndrome often causes normally non-anxious people to experience a sense of anxiety when they are in situations where they feel inadequate. Factors Contributing to Impostor Syndrome We know that certain factors can contribute to the more general experience of impostor syndrome. For example, you might have come from a family that highly valued achievement or had parents who flipped back and forth between offering praise and being critical. We also know that entering a new role can trigger impostor syndrome. For example, starting college or university might leave you feeling as though you dont belong and are not capable. Negative Effects While for some people, impostor syndrome can fuel feelings of motivation to achieve, this usually comes at a cost in the form of constant anxiety. You might over-prepare or work much harder than necessary to make sure that nobody finds out you are a fraud. This sets up a vicious cycle, in which you think that the only reason you survived that class presentation was that you stayed up all night rehearsing. Or, you think the only reason you got through that party or family gathering was that you memorized details about all the guests so that you would always have ideas for small talk. The problem with impostor syndrome is that the experience of doing well at something does nothing to change your beliefs. Even though you might sail through a performance or have lunch with coworkers, the thought still nags in your head, What gives me the right to be here? The more you accomplish, the more you just feel like a fraud. Its as though you cant internalize your experiences of success. This makes sense in terms of social anxiety if you received early feedback that you were not good at social or performance situations. Your core beliefs about yourself are so strong, that they dont change, even when there is evidence to the contrary. If you do well, it must be the result of luck, because a socially incompetent person just doesnt belong. Eventually, these feelings worsen anxiety and may lead to depression. People who experience impostor syndrome also tend not to talk about how they are feeling with anyone and suffer in silence, just as do those with social anxiety disorder. Tips for Moving Past Impostor Syndrome To get past impostor syndrome, you need to start asking yourself some hard questions. They might include things such as the following: What core beliefs do I hold about myself?Do I believe I am worthy of love as I am?Must I be perfect for others to approve of me? Perfectionism plays a significant role in impostor syndrome. You might think that there is some perfect script for conversations and that you cannot say the wrong thing. You probably have trouble asking for help from others and may procrastinate due to your own high standards. How often have you put off making a phone call until the right time? To move past these feelings, you need to become comfortable confronting some of those deeply ingrained beliefs you hold about yourself. This can be hard because you might not even realize that you hold them, but here are some techniques you can use: Share your feelings. Talk to other people about how you are feeling. These irrational beliefs tend to fester when they are hidden and not talked about.Focus on others. While this might feel counterintuitive, try to help others in the same situation as you. If you see someone who seems awkward or alone, ask that person a question to bring him or her into the group. As you practice your skills, you will build confidence in your own abilities.Assess your abilities. If you have long-held beliefs about your incompetence in social and performance situations, make a realistic assessment of your abilities. Write down your accomplishments and what you are good at, and compare that with your self-assessment.Take baby steps. Dont focus on doing things perfectly, but rather do things reasonably well and reward yourself for taking action. For example, in a group conversation, offer an opinion or share a story about yourself.Question your thoughts. As you start to assess your abilities and take ba by steps, question whether your thoughts are rational. Does it make sense that you are a fraud, given everything that you know?Stop comparing. Every time you compare yourself to others in a social situation, you will find some fault with yourself that fuels the feeling of not being good enough or not belonging. Instead, during conversations, focus on listening to what the other person is saying. Be genuinely interested in learning more.Use social media moderately. We know that the overuse of social media may be related to feelings of inferiority. If you try to portray an image on social media that doesnt match who you really are or that is impossible to achieve, it will only make your feelings of being a fraud worse.Stop fighting your feelings. Dont fight the feelings of not belonging. Instead, try to lean into them and accept them. Its only when you acknowledge them that you can start to unravel those core beliefs that are holding you back.Refuse to let it hold you back. No matter how much you feel like you dont belong, dont let that stop you from pursuing your goals. Keep going and refuse to be stopped. A Word From Verywell Remember that if you are feeling like an impostor, it means you have some degree of success in your life that you are attributing to luck. Try instead to turn that feeling into one of gratitude. Look at what you have accomplished in your life, and be grateful. Dont be crippled by your fear of being found out. Instead, lean into that feeling and get at its roots. Let your guard down and let others see the real you. If youve done all these things and still feel like your feeling of being an impostor is holding you back, it is important to speak to a mental health professional. The 9 Best Online Therapy Programs
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Biblical and Religious Themes in Sonnys Blues Essay
James Baldwin’s short story, â€Å"Sonny’s Blues,†is the authors most studied and critically analyzed piece of literature. The majority of these analyses focus on the obvious themes of the book such as jazz music, the unnamed narrator, or the rift that divides Sonny and his brother. Little critique has ever gone into the biblical and religious themes that run throughout the story of â€Å"Sonny’s Blues.†Furthermore, it is even more astonishing that there is little critique given Baldwin has such a strong history with the world of Christianity. James Tackach wrote that it should not come as a surprise that Baldwin would use stories or references from the Bible as a foundation for his literature (109). Baldwin was practically raised in the†¦show more content†¦The cup of trembling comes from the Book of Isaiah. â€Å"Awake, awake, stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast drunk at the hand of the Lord the cup of his fury; thou hast drunken the dre gs of the cup of trembling, and wrung them out,†the passage of scripture reads (Isaiah 51:17). This passage from the Bible is God telling His people that He knows they have suffered and are terrified of His fury. God promises they that will no longer drink from the cup of trembling and instead will put it into the hands of their enemies. This passage implies hope that those, like Sonny and his brother, who have been affected with fear and misery, will no longer be plagued. There are four great fears when drinking from the â€Å"cup of trembling.†Those fears are devastation, destruction, famine, and death. Sonny and his brother have both experienced each of these in some form. Keith Byerman states that if the cup of trembling is given, then Sonny will continue to suffer and feel guilt; if they cup is taken away, then Sonny returns to a state of grace (371). Byerman also states that the drink itself, scotch and milk, is a symbol of destruction and nourishment to the bo dy, the scotch being the destruction and the milk being the nourishment. Sonny’s acceptance of the drink indicates that his life will continue on the edge between the poison of his addiction and the nourishment ofShow MoreRelatedThe Biblical Foundation Of James Baldwin s Sonny s Blues1301 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Sonny’s Blues†is one of James Baldwin’s most famous short stories, and probably his most noteworthy one. Countless people have analyzed the several obvious themes and concepts that are within â€Å"Sonny’s Blues,†like jazz music and the unnamed narrator. However, surprisingly, I have not found many articles regarding the several religious and biblical references in my search, despite this themes playing a major role in the short story. There are a few mentions of those references in some articles,Read More The Theme of Identity in Sonnys Blues Essay1622 Words  | 7 Pagesshort story Sonnys Blues highlights the struggle beca use community involvement and individual identity. Baldwins leading theme - the discovery of identity - is nowhere presented more successfully than in the short story Sonnys Blues (Reilly 56). Individuals breeds isolation and even persecution by the collective, dominant community. This conflict is illustrated in three ways. First, the story presents the alienation of Sonny from his brother, the unnamed narrator. Second, Sonnys legal problemsRead MoreEssay on Literary Analysis of James Baldwin’s Sonny’s Blues2323 Words  | 10 Pagesview, while others introduce more complex plots and storylines. When it comes to author James Baldwin’s short story Sonny’s Blues, there is much depth given to the storyline and the characters. Sonny’s Blues has been analyzed by many different people throughout time because the story has many elements. From Baldwin’s skillful use of metaphors and similes to his incorporation of religious references, this story is insightfully and complexly written. A simple story about a man and his brother leaves readersRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s The Blues And Jazz Essay2185 Words  | 9 Pagescame from his spirit of evangelism with lyrical stylings of both the blues and jazz. Baldwin’s writings appropriate all three of these elements of African-American culture in both small, singular elements and entire story structures. All three styles  as well as Baldwin’s own writing, chronicle the Black response to an oppressive society that seeks to silent them. From the perspective of the narrator, the short story is a blues narrative as he becomes more keenly aware of his brother’s troubles inRead MoreA Research on African-American Literature1898 Words  | 8 Pagesto that desire and the resulting struggles in different periods have been faithfully chronicled by Art, Music and Literature. Though there are numerous works recounting racial relations in America, the t hree assigned readings, To My Old Master, Sonnys Blues and Birmingham Sunday, give exceptional reflections of the 1860s 1950s and 1960s America by notable African Americans. To My Old Master by Jourdon Anderson To My Old Master (Young, 1996, pp. 15-16) is chronologically the first of the threeRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s The Blues 2182 Words  | 9 Pages Sonny’s Blues, a short story by famed African-American author James Baldwin, is the story of two bothers. Other famous stories of two brothers include both The Prodigal Son parable and the story of Cain and Abel, both from which Baldwin clearly draws inspiration from. Baldwin grew up with many religious teachings, as his adoptive father, David Baldwin, was a preacher. Though the relationship between father and son was not enviable, Baldwin still grew up active in his religion (James Baldwin- Biography)Read MoreSymbolism And Biblical Allusions In The Kite Runner937 Words  | 4 PagesKhaled Hosseini uses various symbols and biblical allusions in his novel, ‘The Kite Runner’ to show how each of the characters were connected to each other in more ways than one. Throughout the story the author introduces var ious symbols that embody biblical teachings, vampirism and the path to redemption. From the start of the novel, Hassan was made out to be the near perfect person who was â€Å"...incapable of hurting anyone†(10, Hosseini). Hassan’s only fault being his Hazara lineage. This mixedRead MoreHow to Read Lit Like a Prof Notes3608 Words  | 15 PagesA quester b. A place to go c. A stated reason to go there d. Challenges and trials e. The real reason to goâ€â€always self-knowledge 2. Nice to Eat With You: Acts of Communion a. Whenever people eat or drink together, it’s communion b. Not usually religious c. An act of sharing and peace d. A failed meal carries negative connotations 3. Nice to Eat You: Acts of Vampires a. Literal Vampirism: Nasty old man, attractive but evil, violates a young woman, leaves his mark, takes her innocence b. Sexual implicationsâ€â€a
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Taking The Law Into Our Hands and Two Paths to Womens...
During the Reconstruction era, supporters of women’s rights employed a legislative and organizational means in their battle for equal rights and suffrage. The successes and failures experienced by the 14th and 15th amendments helped shape the landscape of the American suffrage movement that culminated in the 19th amendment. The assigned readings addresses the legislative and organizational avenues that were actively utilized by advocates of women’s rights and suffrage, albeit in slightly different ways. The two readings align well with each other, each bringing an unique perspective of a significant historical phrase within the women’s rights movement in the United States. The first reading, â€Å"Taking the Law Into Our Hands: Bradwell,†¦show more content†¦Drawing upon the original Constitution, the Minors applied an elaborate interpretation to demonstrate the existence of women’s rights to vote as citizen. The main premises of the New Departure established federal sovereignity over state control, the power of federal government in defending individual and collective rights, the benefits enjoyed by all natural born citizens belonged to all, despite one’s sex, and the infringement of one of the most basic privileges of citizenship-voting. Essentially, Minors shifted the main responsibility of suffrage from the state level to the federal level, which brought women suffragists in droves undertaking militant action such as physically registering and voting at ballots. The Minors paved the way for legal agitation for women and on behalf of women. The cases were not always successful in the legal realm, evidenced by the Blackwell and Minor cases. The arguments involving what constitutes of a citizen and the considerations involving the privileges and rights of a citizen laid the formative groundwork for future activism that would eventually lead to the establishment of the 19th amendment. The second reading by Janet Zollinger Giele, Two Paths to Women’s Equality: Temperance, Suffrage and the Origins of Modern Feminism traces two significant forces behind the origins of modern feminism: the temperance movement and the suffrage movement. The first chapter considers the origins and rationale behind women’sShow MoreRelatedThe Wage Gap Is A Conflict Within The Work Force982 Words  | 4 Pagesbeen a few laws that were put into effect due to women’s efforts to create fairness in the workplace. The first law, called the Equal Pay Act of 1963 signed into law by President John F. Kennedy, requires men and women in the same workplace be given equal pay for equal work (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). The Paycheck Fairness Act is a recent extension of the Equal Pay Act, it gives workers added protection to take action in the wage discrimination (National Women’s Law Center). 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DemocratsRead MoreThe Path For Gender Equality2156 Words  | 9 PagesHeather Locker English 101 Prof. Riedel 18 May 2016 The Path to Gender Equality in Afghanistan The rise in poverty, illiteracy and the conservative nature of the post-Taliban Afghanistan has left those uneducated to follow the teachings, or customary laws, of radicalized Mullahs, who teach their own adaptations of the Quran which often assert men’s dominance over women, in various ways including but not limited to: physical abuse, psychological abuse, abuse within the community (i.e. shunning, hearsayRead MoreDoes Cedaw Make World Better Place For Women? Essay7028 Words  | 29 PagesDoes CEDAW make world better place for Women? Submitted by Ashalika Pandey Research Scholar (Law) University of Allahabad Contact no.: 09415662408 Table of Contents Abstract †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Chapter 1: Introduction ....................................................... Chapter 2: ConventionRead MoreWomen And Women s Rights2455 Words  | 10 Pagesaddressing right now or issues that have barely been brought up. There are two paths that feminism can take, the road to success and equality or the road to devastation and loss. There are many positive and negative ideologies that may happen in the future and are brought to the surface, but the main questions are, what is exactly the problem? What needs to change? And why will our society not except the idea of equality of women and men? The significance of changes in the future means that the feministRead MoreWomen in the Workplace: Work Life Balance and Equal Opportunity to Enhance Women Empowerment2973 Words  | 12 PagesUniversity, Batch 19 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY More and more women now perceive employment and career paths are critically important to them and that parenting as an option is currently unattractive since they feel that parenting is incompatible with their career. Working women have the sense if they want to be succeeded; doing dual role both office and family is totally out of the question. On the other hand, if they prefer to multitask between office and family, almost certainly they will end up having
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Book cover judgments Free Essays
The term ‘book cover judgments’ bears only negative connotations. It’s widely accepted in the society that a person should analyze and synthesize all the available information before arriving at any decision. People who sometimes make book cover judgments are considered shallow and hypocritical. We will write a custom essay sample on Book cover judgments or any similar topic only for you Order Now It’s often deemed to be a sign of narrowness and over-indulged self-opinion. Psychologists struggled to prove that the first impression is frequently the most lasting and important one, yet the society still keeps to the notion that superficial judgments are the greatest evil. Upon careful investigation, it becomes evident that book cover judgments often provide the most relevant and accurate information, being an important way to organize information, which is especially relevant at the dawn of the Information Age. In many cases, book cover judgment can provide the most relevant and accurate information. It’s especially true about making up one’s mind about other people: it’s a well-known fact that the first impression can be formed from brief exposure to another, and it can last for years. It can be proven by one of the new fads, speed-dating, organized by such companies as 8MinuteDating and HurryDate, when people meet with a dozen of people for up to ten minutes and then decide on their potential companions. Its concept rests on a simple belief that a couple of minutes can be plenty of time to understand a person up and judge compatibility. It’s not a top secret that everybody evaluates each other based on immediate intuitions. Scientists are discovering that in many situations our social intuition is indeed astonishing, as we can sometimes collect a considerable amount of information about a person’s nature or abilities in just a few seconds. Initial encounters are emotionally intense events that can overwhelm us, therefore true and accurate judgments can be formed. Book cover judgments are not simple hardwired reactions, since people are also taught how to judge others, holding our first impressions up to the light of social stereotypes. Implicit attitudes that enter into our calculations are always in place. As a consequence, sometimes book cover judgments are considered synonymous to such words as stereotypes and prejudices. Prejudices and stereotypes are schemes that assist us in comprehending the reality; when reality does not correspond to our prejudice it is easier for our mind to modify our interpretation of reality than to modify the prejudice. Prejudices help us to complement information when we do not posses at the moment. And here it’s of paramount importance to draw a line between these two concepts. From a psychological perspective, stereotypes are simply ways to organize information in your head. Having stereotypes amount to having life experience to build upon. It’s necessary to use stereotypes to draw parallel with other similar cases in the past, to avoid mistakes or use the strong sides of some employees. Stereotypes consist basically in shared beliefs or notions about a certain group or event. A stereotype is a combination of characteristics that sums up this group or event. The goal of stereotypes is to simplify reality. Prejudices, however, are judgements we make about another person or group of people without trying to understand them. They are divided into negative or positive in character, yet negative prejudices prevail. Prejudices often go along with ignorance, fear or hatred. When making judgments about groups of people, book cover judgments aren’t enough. It has been shown already that one can’t do without organizing information without help of stereotypes. This is especially true in the Information Age when people are receiving a huge amount of information every second. Information flows are continuously intensifying, and this tendency is projected to amplify in the future. In the past, people had enough time to allocate to such matters as judging and rethinking. The decline of conventional philosophy at the beginning of the 21st century is the evidence of the diminishing value of in-depth analysis. While this analysis is sometimes performed for a variety of reasons, it’s conspicuously absent from our everyday life. It’s too early to blame modern men for laziness or ignorance – without making book cover judgments, it’s impossible to make sense of all the information we have to process every day. In other words, book cover judgments are necessary for many reasons. First of all, they can quickly provide much information about a certain person just after few minutes of initial contact. Secondly, stereotypes have been proven to be an important way to organize information. Las but not least, book cover judgments are the only option available to the society living in the Information Age. The society should gradually change its negative perception of quick judgments. Psychologists have already started debunking many myths about the psychological mechanism behind making book cover judgments. Instead of trying to diminish the value of this essential psychological tool, people should be trained to handle first impressions effectively and derive maximum information possible from the first seconds of encounter. How to cite Book cover judgments, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Mobile Phones And The Mobile Phone Virus Essay Example For Students
Mobile Phones And The Mobile Phone Virus Essay Mobile phone viruses began to emerge, the first mobile phone virus was called Caribe, it was created to infect the Symbian mobile OS. By using the Bluetooth communication feature it was able to spread from phone to phone and upon activation of the device it would display the message Caribe. In 2009 the first iPhone worm Ikee was created it was able to infect and spread among jailbroken iPhones that had installed SSH while using the default root password. This worm changes the wallpaper of your lock screen to a photo of Rick Astley with the message: ikee is never going to give you up.†As of 2011, it s reported that as much as 73,000 malware strains are written every day. Considering that mobile smart phones have slowly been replacing our PC’s daily to do task, we are more at risk now that these malwares are being increasingly written for mobile phones. Just look at history and what occurred with PCs: It may have started as a practical joke, but soon after users started p utting more increasingly personal information it slowly turned from a joke into a more malicious purpose. History always repeats itself and it will be no different with smartphones and with this growing issue we need to be ready to increase our mobile security. Mobile malware that exists for mobile devices varies depending on the platform it’s trying to infect. For example, An Android Trojan is Backdoor.AndroidOS.Obad.a. It is a multi-functional Trojan that enables remote control of the device and allows the programmer access to install programs on to the phone to further infect your device. The Trojan spawned from vulnerability in the DEX2JAR software. DEX2JAR is a program that is used to convert an APK file into a JAR format, which is an executable java file format. Also a hole in the Android operating system was introduced. The virus modifies the xml file (AndroidManifest.xml) to bypass Google standards and allows exploitation on the device. There isn’t a user interface to acess the Backdoor.AndroidOS.Obad.a Trojan, and the program continues to spread in the background processes of the device. Ikee, was the first worm that was known for iOS devices. The worm replaces the wallpaper with a photograph of the singer Rick Astley. It was done through ssh protocols that were made available by jailbreaking an iOS device. Jailbreaking is the process of hacking into the iOS operating system and deleting the restrictions applied by Apple. Apple’s iOS operating system without jailbreaks has still seen many trojans and worms that spread through the App Store, for example the attack on the App Store is by a Russian application that took the user’s contact book information and uploaded the contacts to a server. This app has been removed through from the App Store after being closely monitored with Kaspersky anti-virus. Several instances have occurred in which users with jailbroken iPhones have had private data stolen from their phone. The name of the worm that is commonly linked to stealing private data on iPhones is iPhone/Privacy.A. The tool scans the Wi-Fi network and searches for jailbroken iPhones. After finding the phone the tool copies all data from SMS messages, videos, emails and so on. The program is run on the background while the user continues to use their phone. Statistics from the last few year show the mobile device world has become a major targets for cybercriminals. According to IDC (International Data Corporation), during the first quarter of 2012, Android recorded a year over year rise to an approximate 145% in market share and sales, becoming the most attacked operating system due to the sheer size of its market share and open source architecture. In 2013, nothing was significantly changed in terms of the mobile operating systems that are targeted by malware, Android is still the number one target and other OS get anywhere closer. In the first half of 2013, McAfee Labs researchers counted an approximation of 36,699 mobile malware samples, where 97% of those samples were designed to attack Goog le Android; by the end of this year the mobile malware samples reached 148,778 according to the Kaspersky Security Bulletin for 2013. The reasons for this are Android’s leading market position, based on the incidence of third party app stores and its open source architecture, which make it easy to use for everyone: app developers and malware authors as well. Therefore this trend is not expected to experience any change in further years. On the next graphs it is possible to see this trend and how it has changed over the past three years. Fig A. Mobile Malware trend by OS (2011) Fig B. Mobile Malware trend by OS (2012) .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb , .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb .postImageUrl , .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb , .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb:hover , .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb:visited , .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb:active { border:0!important; } .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb:active , .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u655ebb4030fb8b5e8ec086d9331bcffb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Taming Of The Shrew (197 words) EssayMobile Malware trend by OS (2013) The most critical factor that comes along with the mobile malware development has been the growing use of mobile devices as a form of secondary authentication for user credentials or online transactions. The most common manifestation of this is the mobile transaction authentication number (mtan), which is the authentication used by some banks during online banking transactions. Malware developers are currently able to avoid this extra level of protection by creating a mobile application that catches the SMS messages used to validate these transactions, one example of it is the popular mobile banking Tro jan. On the next graph it is shown the malware distribution by behavior type. Fig C. Malware distribution by behavior type Fig D. Malware distribution by behavior type Finally, according to Juniper Networks the Mobile malware is becoming â€Å"an increasingly profitdriven business†. Mobile vulnerabilities are no longer just a playground for cybercriminals, but have become a common practice to accomplish the new main purpose, which is the financial profit. The following graph shows the comparison between discovered threats that are profit-motivated versus non-profit-motivated ones. Fig E. Mobile Threats profit-motivated versus nonprofit-motivated V. Future Examples of malware and research a. Android: One Root To Own Them All This is a vulnerability showcasing the technical details of Android security bug 8219321, disclosed to Google in February 2013. The vulnerability involves discrepancies in how Android applications are cryptographically verified installed. It allows for APK code modification without breaking the cryptographic signature. Therefore, that in turn is a simple step away from system access control. The vulnerability affects a wide number of Android devices, across generations architectures, with little to no modifications of the exploit. b. Android SpyPhone Service The Android SpyPhone service can be injected into any Android application. Phones can be tracked and operated from a Web based command and control server. The application can be used to track the phone s location, intercept phone calls and SMS messages, extract e-mail and contact lists, and activate the camera and microphone without being detected. c. Compromised CDMA Femtocell A Femtocell is a low-power cellular base station given or sold to subscribers by mobile network operators. It works just like a small cell tower, using a home Internet connection to interface with the provider network. When in range, a mobile phone will connect to a femtocell as if it were a standard cell tower and send all its traffic through it without any indication to the user. The state-of-the-art authentication protecting cell phone networks can be an imposing target. However, with the rising popularity of femtocells there is more than one way to attack a cellular network. Inside, they run Linux, and they can be hacked. A femtocell can be used for traffic interception of voice/SMS/data, active network attacks, and can even be able to clone a mobile device without physical access.. d. iOS Device Malicious Chargers Despite the plethora of defense mechanisms in iOS, it is possible to inject arbitrary software into current-generation Apple devices running the latest operating system (OS) software. All users are affected, because it requires neither a jailbroken device nor user interaction. An iOS device can be compromised within one minute of being plugged into a malicious charger. USB capabilities can be leveraged to bypass these defense mechanisms. To ensure persistence of the resulting infection, an attacker can hide their software in the same way Apple hi des its own built-in applications. To demonstrate practical application of these vulnerabilities, a proof of concept malicious charger was built, called Mactans, using a BeagleBoard. This hardware illustrates the ease with which innocent-looking, malicious USB chargers can be constructed. While Mactans was built with limited amount of time and a small budget, it is mind bottling what more motivated, well-funded adversaries could accomplish. VI. Conclusion With the threat of â€Å"Mobile Malware†looming in the air, the desire to give the general public fair warning has never been greater. This paper was intended to provided that knowledge the general public needs and will reinforce the topic to those who were already aware. The history of malware gave you a look into the not so distant past. The discussion of technical examples of malware was intended to show you how rapidly the threat is developing along with the statistics of malware’s current expansion, and the future examples of malware and research showed you concepts that were unimaginable to the common electronic consumer. The majority of malware was originally designed to be a practical joke , but as we can see from the ever growing desire for malicious intent, the evolution of malware has followed suite. We can only hope that the growing need for security can be met.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Thelonious Monk Quartet with John Coltrane at Carnegie Hall free essay sample
From the smoothest lines to the screeching, racing notes that resonate like a flock of geese overhead, John Coltrane’s sax has always mesmerized listeners. Forty years after his death, he and the Thelonious Monk Quartet still have a best-selling jazz album. John Coltrane, who emerged as a timid yet strong sideman in the early 1950s and went on to become one of the most influential jazz musicians of the century, always learned from those with whom he played. On this newly released album, the interaction between two of the greatest players of all time is heard: pianist Thelonious Monk and saxophonist John Coltrane. To understand this album, one must know when and why it was recorded. In 1957, after Coltrane was released from the Miles Davis’ Quintet for heroin use, he teamed up with Thelonious Monk. Clean, revitalized and ready to jump back into the music scene, Coltrane learned from Monk and transformed his style in a matter of months. We will write a custom essay sample on Thelonious Monk Quartet with John Coltrane at Carnegie Hall or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He moved away from his early â€Å"cool†sounds to the wild Coltrane style of â€Å"Giant Steps.†Discovered recently in an unlabeled box in the Library of Congress, this album is the only recording of the Thelonious Monk Quartet with Coltrane that has quality sound. On it we can hear Monk’s multitonal effects influence on Coltrane and the daring leap he was forced to take by playing Monk’s complex songs. This concert is a landmark in jazz history. The first set opens with a solo piano intro to â€Å"Monk’s Mood,†presenting a familiar Monk sound: spare notes, cascading, dreamy scales, and jagged chords that stick out like nails. Next, Coltrane steps in with a clean and beautiful sax, helping with an extended intro. As soon as Shadow Wilson and Ahmed Abdul-Malik enter with bass and drums, the remarkable tightness of the band is evident; each musician learns and plays off the other. They then move into â€Å"Evidence,†a much faster song. Coltrane is able to utilize his speedy solo method, introducing the basis of his â€Å"Sheets of Sound†style. He runs up and down his notes like a staircase, then levels the tune back down for Monk’s solo. A great cut of â€Å"Epistrophy†is played, along with a memorable â€Å"Sweet Lovely†in which Monk plays his superb sax and then accelerates into a zippy tune carried by Coltrane’s explosive solo. This new release is not only a must-have for any serious jazz listener, but a great pick for anyone looking to enter the genre. It can only be hoped that another gem like this will be discovered. . J
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Chicken Soup for the Soul Recipe for Success
Chicken Soup for the Soul Recipe for Success Whether you consider yourself a detail-oriented plotter, or a fly- developed strategies that work for you. Some writers can toss a few words together and write a great story with little effort, but many of us need a formula. I have been published in 23 Chicken Soup for the Soul books. Each true story had universal appeal, a beginning, a middle, and an end. My stories had unique angles whether via the message, writing style, or level of adventure. A Chicken Soup for the Soul story reads like youre speaking to a friend, but writing one is not as simple as sitting in your best friends living room, sharing a life event. You must follow a basic recipe and then season it your way. Imagine this scenario: Youve just discovered a recipe on line for the perfect chocolate cake. You would like to win the blue ribbon in a baking contest. You gather necessary tools and ingredients, mix, bake, and create what you hope will be a prize winner. You discover that half the entrants have also found the same recipe and baked the same cake. Lined up on a countertop, they all resemble one another. Exactly what is it about your masterpiece that makes it unique? Is it how you decorate it? The elegant presentation? What is your attention-grabber? What leaves a delightful lingering taste for more? Chicken Soup for the Soul receives more than 1,000 submissions for each book title. Editors whittle selections down to 200, then select 101 stories for publication. Selected submissions go through several editorial rounds and are read    Choose the preparation technique that works best for you. Do you free-write and then edit, or edit as you go? Always, before hitting the SEND button, edit one last time.    Every cook adds her own touch, something special which distinguishes her product from the rest. Season carefully. Adding a shot of bourbon (expletives) or a dash of cayenne pepper (wisecracks) to a Chicken Soup story wont necessarily spice it up. Use metaphor, analogy, and/or humor. Add sensory details to make your reader see and feel. Inspire. Aim for the goose bumps.    Your title must have immediate appeal. Chocolate Cake or Chocolate Tingle, which recipe heading is more creative and interesting?    Even if its good, your story may not be chosen. Sometimes editors receive too many of the same type of story submissions, so not all of them can be chosen regardless how many of them are good. Rejection has little to do with you and your product, and more to do with editorial needs. Unfortunately, Chicken Soup for the Soul does not send rejection letters, but they do keep stories on file for consideration for other upcoming books.    The last morsel of your finished product should be as tasty as the first bite. Your story ending should be as delectable as your opening. Leave the reader with a relatable memory, a powerful, inspirational, take-away message in no more than 1,200 words. Many writers think there’s a certain magic to landing a Chicken Soup contract. Others liken selection to the lottery. In reality, it’s common sense and a splash of whimsy.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
The Most Revolutionary Part of the Industrial Revolution Essay
The Most Revolutionary Part of the Industrial Revolution - Essay Example People could now travel in deep sea and explore further marine resources through steam-powered ships. To compound the importance of the steam engine in the industrial revolution, other later inventions were founded on the steam engine. This implies that the steam engine formed the basis of future research in steam-powered technology that we enjoy up to date. I believe that throughout the history of mankind, the industrial revolution resulted in rising in the standard of living. As Jake put it, the steam engine invention resulted in other new technologies. New technologies come with opportunities for people to get employment, hence more income. In addition, new technologies make work easier, thus easing human beings from tiresome tasks. For illustration, the steam engine helped in the movement of people and goods from one place to another. I believe that throughout the history of mankind, the industrial revolution resulted in rising in the standard of living. As Jake put it, the steam engine invention resulted in other new technologies. New technologies come with opportunities for people to get employment, hence more income. In addition, new technologies make work easier, thus easing human beings from tiresome tasks. For illustration, the steam engine helped in the movement of people and goods from one place to another. People were able t o travel to places that initially could not travel. The role played by the steam engine invention in increasing the standard of living is thus indispensable.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
SABMIller's Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
SABMIller's - Case Study Example Some of these tools are explained in detail in the appendix given below. In view of the above assertion, it is significant to carry out a SWOT analysis of the above mentioned brewery in an attempt to establish if there is any correlation between its strategic position with its business strategy. â€Å"A SWOT analysis is a useful instrument for helping managers to identify internal strengths and weaknesses of a business and external opportunities and threats facing it,†(Strydom J. p 31). Basically, SWOT stands for strengths (S), weaknesses (W) while on the other hand the external environmental factors are regarded as either opportunities (O) or threats (T). This analysis is very important to managers as it allows them to focus on key strategic issues based on the notion that an effective strategy fully utilises the strengths and opportunities of a business and strives to minimise the weaknesses and threats. One main strength of SAB is that it is a force to reckon with in the market of alcohol brewing. Its ability to merge with other brewers is a big advantage since it would only need to specialise on nurturing premium segments rather than launching a new brand altogether. Local people often prefer to have a product which they can happily identify with hence there would be need to streamline the production to meet such needs. A close analysis of the case study shows that this is one of the major strengths of SAB since it is able to merge with established breweries. Weaknesses include the fact that it mainly relied on soft currencies for its profit in different breweries across the globe. A loss of confidence in emerging markets would badly damage its reputation. In some instance as highlighted in the case, devaluation of the local currency in developing economies may have negative impacts such as the reduction of profitability. It can also be noted that there have been a shift in the behaviour of customers in the market where the emergence of wine as another
Monday, January 27, 2020
Natural And Eco Tourism In Dubai Tourism Essay
Natural And Eco Tourism In Dubai Tourism Essay Tourism is a fast-growing industry, but with the credit crunch in 2008, figures have dropped as people have less money to spend as a tourist all over the world. Many countries rely on tourism sector greatly as the income generated by this sector is easily planned to be invested in other sectors of the country like education, sports, defence and health. Economic recession has led to increase in oil prices. These fluctuating oil prices result in the airline industry imposing further fuel surcharges to cover higher costs, which have to be met by the consumer through increased air ticket prices. This has put the consumer off travelling during the expensive periods. Unfortunately, the tourism sector these days is experiencing not only economical disasters but other emerging issues as well. In order to look at the whole scenario of travel and tourism industry in terms of latest alarming situations (decreased access to natural resources for the local communities and environmental degradation) lets take Dubai as a destination. In this context, we will particularly look at the destination not economically but ecologically and naturally specifically. Infrastructure of Dubai The Dubai government Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) is the main organisation for the promotion and development of tourism in the emirate. The department has taken over the licensing of hotels, hotel apartments, tour operators, tourist transport companies and travel agents. It has a supervisory role covering all tourists, archaeological and heritage sites, tourism conferences and exhibitions, the operation of tourism information services and the licensing and organisation of tour guides. The government provides on-going development to the infrastructure, and the recent opening of the port Rashid cruise line terminal is just one of a series of innovation aimed at widening the total tourism product base within Dubai. It is hoped that this terminal will do for cruising what the opening of Dubai Duty Free did for air traffic arrivals. The government has a direct stake in the tourism sector through the development and ownership of a number of the major hotels as well a s spectacular theme parks such as Wild Wadi. This investment is not just a matter of expenditure: it is clearly demonstrating that quality must be paramount. The DTCM had set an aggressive target of attracting 15 million tourists by the year 2010, which they have achieved. Projections for the immediate future are summarised in the following figure. Targets for Dubais tourism future Year Dubai hotel guests (Millions) Dubai hotel beds (Thousands) 2003 5.24 39.8 2004 6.08 48.2 2005 7.06 55.9 2006 8.19 64.8 2007 9.49 75.2 2008 11.01 87.2 2009 12.78 101.2 2010 15.00 117.3 2011 18.24 122.7 Such targets are not over-ambitious for DTCM. Expatriates and foreign visitors can enjoy a relaxed and pleasant life style in Dubai. There is virtually no crime, apartments and villas are modern and spacious, and the climate greatly appeals to those who enjoy warm weather. There are many clubs and societies in Dubai. Freedom of worship is allowed for all religions. Foreign newspapers, magazines, films and videos are all available. Alcohol may be consumed in hotels and in licensed club premises. Women can drive and move about unaccompanied. In 2002, free hold ownership for UAE nationals as well as expatriates in certain select property developments was introduced in Dubai and 25 years mortgage loans become available. Initially focus was centred on the Palm, Dubai Marina, and other developments of Emmar properties but after the completion of these projects new man made wonders are forthcoming. The potential for visiting friends and relatives will thus be substantially increased. The Palm had already been described as the 8th wonder of the world and was the sort of project that some say could only have taken place in Dubai. It consists of two massive, artificial islands: the Palm Jumeirah and the Palm Jebal Ali. Each island is being built in the shape of a palm tree consisting of a crown of 17 fronds, a trunk and a surrounding crescent island, the back of which forms a protective break water. Each island is approximately six kilometres long and 5.5 kilometres. Together they will add nearly 120 kilometres of much sought-after coast line to Dubai. Approximately 3000 homes and at least 40 luxury hotels have been built on each island, capable of birthing a total of 400 yachts. The Palm is just one of several Nakheel residential projects: others include the World, Jumeirah Islands, Jumeirah Lake Towers and the Gardens. Dubai will continue to improve the destinations infrastructure, and the following are just some of the developments that are either already planned or completed or in actual construction or development to support visitor growth targets: Hydro polis- the worlds first under water hotel Dubai airport expansion to handle 70 million passengers by 2016 Dubai Festival City-4 kilometre site along the Creek Dubai land the regions biggest tourism project aiming for 200,000 visitors a day- to include five themed leisure areas and the Mall of Arabia, the Worlds biggest mall Extending Dubai Railway project Burj Dubai the worlds tallest tower The emirate contained a mix of natural and cultural attractions that formed the basis of a very marketable leisure tourism product. The existing natural attractions included: Miles of clean un-crowded beaches along the shores of Arabian Gulf A subtropical climate with average temperatures of 18 C in January 33 C in July and annual precipitation of less than 150mm,contributing to a yearlong tourist season The availability of water sports of all year around in the gulf Desert dunes for a variety of outdoor activities and leisure pursuits The Hatta Mountains for Wadi-bashing and other adventurous pursuits The Al Maha environmental conservation reserve, the base for the re-introduction of the Arabian Oryx. Dubai is a migratory crossroads in both spring and autumn for many bird species. The Khor Dubai Wildlife sanctuary is home to one thousand Greater Flamingos. Dubai also had a strong cultural heritage to exploit for tourism purposes. Important elements of this cultural attractiveness to western visitors include: The exotic middle eastern atmosphere associated with the hustle and bustle of the Souks and dhow Wharves along Dubai Creeks The distinctly Middle Eastern architecture of the wind towers , Mosques and palaces The traditional welcoming and hospitable culture of the Arab world Mass and sustainable tourism Mass tourism is the result of advancing in the means of technology especially air, rail and road. The comfortable aircrafts with essential in flight services and many more to offer the passengers have made travelling fun and simple. Since having the foreigners in a country for pleasure or holidays in great numbers have left many negative impacts in the past therefore the need of the sustainability was felt. In past, mass tourism has threatened the destinations with cultural, environmental, social, religious and economical impacts therefore; the urge to develop the tourism sector became necessary for tourist boards and governing bodies. This led to sustainable tourism. Sustainable tourist activity, on the contrary, encompasses being sensitive to the cultural, religious and environmental and social aspects of a particular destination, aiding the environment and fostering the local economic growth through travel and tourism activities. Sustainable tourism surrounds the ideals of protecting and not disturbing the natural resources and maintaining the good relationship with the host population. Going back to the example of Dubai as a destination, in past due to the weather, gold, tax free country, and Dubai airport facilities and duty free, safaris, luxurious accommodation etc., the destination has confronted with the mass tourism. Traffic, noise pollution, litter pollution, fights with the local community and crimes made the authorities alert and minimize the negative effects of the tourism despite of its economical advantages. DTCM the tourist board of strategic planning in the country thus, implemented the plan to restrict the infinite number of tourists. The figure above states that clearly which can only be undergone by a destination that follows sustainable tourism policy. Looking at the marvellous, unique projects of Burj ul Arab, Safari, water sports, Dubai Mall etc. the evidences that a destination may have to support Sustainable tourism. It is obvious that Dubais main industry is not Oil but tourism. Even many forthcoming events and projects will keep attracting the tourists from all around the world. Sustainable tourism means to meet the present demands of the tourists without risking the future of the destination which is very apparent in DTCMs planning. All the resources of the country are well planned and utilized to serve the tourism sector. Eco, Natural, Cultural tourism are the elements that unveils the well management and strategic scenario of the destination. Acceptance of a Cosmo-Politian lifestyle Although these natural and cultural assets have clearly contributed to Dubai s success as a destination, it is very important to emphasise that they have been greatly enhanced by ambitious investments in the tourism infrastructure on the part of both public and private sectors. Destination Dubai United Arab Emirate (UAE) comprises seven members: Abu Dhabi, the capital city, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain, Ras Al Khaima and Fujairah. Dubai, with an area of 3885 square kilometres, is a second largest emirate. It is situated on the banks of the Dubai creek, a natural inlet from the Arabian Gulf, which divides the city into Deira District to its north and Bur Dubai to its South, the city ranks as the UAEs most important port and commercial centre. Along the Arabian Gulf coast there are off shore islands, coral reefs and Sabkha (salt marshes). Stretches of gravel plane and sandy dessert characterise the inland region. To the east, a range of mountains lie close to the Gulf of Oman and forms a back bone through the Mussandam peninsula. The western interior of the country, most of it in Abu Dhabi, consists mainly of desert interspersed with oases. The emirate embraces a wide variety of scenery in a small area. In a single day, the tourists can experience everything from rugged mountains and owe inspiring sand dunes to sandy beaches and lush green parks from dusty village to luxurious residential districts and from ancient houses with wind towers to ultra modern shopping malls. Tourism in Dubai The impressive development, climate, hospitality and world class airport has attracted many tourists around the world to the detention of Dubai. In 1985, the introduction of award winning air line Emirates was established to smooth the transaction of tourists in and out. In 1989, Dubai recorded only 630 thousand visitor arrivals, but number increased drastically to over 8 millions, in 2003, with at least 458 thousand coming from the UK. Dubai has managed to increase its number of visitors by over 1200% in little more than a decade and tourism is now, at 12% of the gross domestic product (GDP), one of the emirates more important and fastest growing sectors of the economy. Dubai significance as a global destination stems from the fact that it can be viewed from two main perspectives. It is not just a simple holiday destination; it is an important commercial, trading and business centre as well. Therefore visitors to Dubai provide examples of the three categories into which tourists are usually divided. They are identified as: Leisure visitors 44% Business visitors 45% Visiting friends and relatives (VFR) 8% Not classified 3% Previously viewed in tourism terms as little more than a duty free stop over, Dubai today has become a highly acclaimed destination offering an outstanding range of facilities and services for both leisure and business travellers. Its geographical location is 55 degree East, 25 degree North on the Southern shore of Arabian Gulf. It is strategically located at the cross roads of three continents Europe, Asia, Africa- a natural meeting place. Dubai is now a major aviation hub for the Emirates airline and so attracts visitors wanting a stopover. Natural and eco tourism Emirates airlineWelcome from our Chairman Emirates airline chairman promoting greenery The first Eco flight (see appendix 1) from Dubai to San Francisco known as green flight took off on 18th Jan 2009 indicates the vigilance of the government in terms of its environment. Such an initiative was worked out between EK airline and Airbus Company to promote safe and pure environment. This indicates that the award winning airline is environmental conscious and promotes it product (flying with the carriage) but not on the risk of spreading pollution. It is the best example of eco and natural tourism as EK airline does not want to take any step which can damage the surroundings of the people or harmful natural life animals and plants survive in. Al Maha desert resort It is generally accepted amongst most nations that approximately 8 to 10% of their land area should be put aside for the conservation of their indigenous habitats, the function of such a policy is to insure that the nations historic environment is permanently retained as part of its heritage that the diversity of fauna and flora within the nation is kept intact as a representative sample of the original habitat. It is intended that such conserved areas can function without disturbance or undue intervention from human elements. Al Maha is the first eco tourism resort in UAE. Dubai has several environments worthy of conservation within such a frame work. Apart from the dune environment there is also the mountain habitat around Hatta and coasts intertidal strip. Each of these represents a separate, distinct and unique habitat type within Dubai. Each has its own fauna and flora, its own appeal to the visitor and its distinct historic, geological and archaeological merits. Al Maha has been developed with key eco tourism principles under pinning its commercial success. The environment is supposed to be free of intrusive disturbances with surroundings; this includes the restriction of all artificial noise from the operation and ambient noise from the resorts surroundings. The restriction of any human structures which impinge on the natural land space confines the development of the resorts own infrastructure to a minimum land area. The land making up the resort must provide a natural, original and unique environment for the guests, where they feel a part of the conservation process; this allows the guests to feel that their support is directly contributing to the conservation of the area they are experiencing. One of the major contributors to the success of eco tourism resorts worldwide is the fact that the guest enjoys exclusivity. The rate charge is function of the exclusivity enjoyed and paid for by the guest. The undisturbed settings, the personal attention and service standards not achievable in the large public facilities are the basis of high yield eco tourism products. The guest must be assured of privacy, discretion and an unobtrusive environment. The experience must also be meaningful to the visitor, providing aspects which are educational, comfortable and divergent from normal life style-thus assuring the guest the time spent in the resort is an enchantment to his or her quality of life. The resort must meet the perceptions and expectations of the guests with regard to: Accommodation Facilities Architecture and design Surroundings To meet these criteria, Al Maha has adopted traditional historic aspects, with operational requirements, to meet the guest perception and expectation of the desert and Arabian heritage. A portion of land surrounding the core area of the resort has been demarcated for protection, and all activities capable of devaluing the environment are restricted. Isolation has been reinforced by means of the introduction of animals proof fencing, which will allow the establishment of indigenous species in viable breeding numbers within free roaming settings. The program has been very successful and guests are now issued with their own fauna and flora checklist guide to record the various species that they have seen. The variety of elements used provides a suitable illustration of how far the desert resort has now developed in terms of conservation: Grass (Herb, Dune, Basket and Cats Tail) Shrub ( Broom Bush, Dye Plant and Milkwort) Herb ( Callous, Palm Lettuce and Arabian Cotton) Plant (Crimson Wort, Spiny Disk and Dwarf Pea Plant) Tree (Salam, Ghaf and Sidr) Mammal (Sand Gazelle, Arabian Hare and Gird) Reptile (Monitor Lizard, Sand Skink and Sand Snake) Birds (Common and may be resident or migrant-300 species recorded) Impacts of natural and eco tourism in Dubai Unprotected environment of any country in any regard can disturb the economy drastically. The disastrous situation where the government invests most of its resources in tourism sector rather than sports, education, health and other sectors, can lead the destination sudden collapse that causes destruction to the economy as a whole. Ignoring the eco and natural issues in destination planning and promotion will cause the following pitfalls: All the tourists will misuse the resources of the destination and there will be nothing left to offer for next group of tourists next season. For example, beaches of Dubai or safari. It is important that the authorities are well managing such sites so that they are presentable to be offered to other tourists for amusements and relaxations. The entire infrastructure used to access natural sites like deserts, wild wadi, zoo, Al Maha Desert need to be watched by authorities all times. The expensive bridges, motor ways, services need a lot of investment to be built so their utility should be long lived and must be equally used by locals and tourists safely. Natural life of Dubai is consisting of desert and likely animals. Their protection is momentous so that they are not endangered or extinct. Hunting such species should not be appreciated at all and in fact some fine must be imposed upon to undergo this pleasure. Tourists might need this notification. The increasing demand and forecast of tourism is a major threat for the land and other resources (like in Egypt the residents were asked to move their ancestors house because the government wants to build a five star hotel to accommodate Tourists in Luxor) in the country. It is due to the planning in future which may lead to lay more buildings to accommodate the tourists by making hotels, services, park or other type of attractions. The demolishing 0f the deserts will affect the habitat of many species and their existence will be affected. Pollution no matter air, dust, litter or noise by tourists will also demonstrate the inability of DTCM (local tourism board) to prevent the destination from negative effects of touristic activities. Especially beaches and deserts if polluted by the tourists will result in developing hatred in host population and conflicts will take place. Welcoming host population is the biggest element to like a destination. Any naturally or ecologically disruption in the surroundings of the local community will force the government to put a stop to the transition of tourists. This can be done very easily but the damages that have been made to the destination can never be repaired so quickly. The greater developments in Dubai to promote Tourism is of course utilising the natural resources like mountainous area, land, desert, beaches etc. This never stop development might not leave enough attractions for coming generation to be proud of. The natural treasure of wild life or other animals will become the history. Establishing tourism sector on the risk of losing the real identity of the country should not be the approach of the strategic planners. Sustainability tourism is the answer of all such issues. Ecotourism became popular in the 1980s as a form of tourism that focused exclusively on wildlife, nature or exotic cultures. Some research indicates that such tourism may not in fact benefit these communitiesas it might lead to them becoming dependent on the tourist economy, without developing skills that would allow them flexibility in the economy and be more of a long term guarantee./ Recommendation Tourism sector of Dubai has a lot to offer. Millions of tourists have visited the destination and many more are planning to visit this luxurious, advance, modern destination to enjoy the safari, Wild Wadi and marine life etc. Due to the Political turmoil in certain parts of the Middle East, is likely to benefit Dubais tourism industry and economy. To the extent that Dubai is viewed as an alternative destination to countries such as Lebanon, Tunisia and Egypt, it is likely to benefit as some visitors change their travel plans in favor of the emirate. The collapse of the Hariri government in Lebanon has plunged the country into what is likely to be a prolonged period of political uncertainty in which the threat of violence is ever-present. Events in Tunisia and Egypt have generated a great deal of negative publicity for the tourism sectors in those countries, and will likely impact bookings and arrivals this year. Regardless of whether these concerns are justified, the likelihood is that some of the most important tourism destinations in the Middle East are likely to see a fall in visitors in 2011. Conclusion From the outgoing account I want to sum up that that Tourism is now the fastest growing sector of Dubais economy, contributing about 19% to the Dubais GPD in 2005, and 20% as of late 2007. This is made possible by ever increasing numbers of tourists. About 3.6 million tourists visited Dubai in 2001 and more than six million came in 2005. As of 2007, Dubais hotels received about 6.5 million visitors that contributed us$3.5 billion to the local economy. Dubai is one of the few international destinations to see an increase in visitors over the last year, successfully retaining its position as a world-class tourism and trade hub as Despite the economic climate, visitors to Dubai reached an all-time high of 11,996,449 in 2010 and even though the pace of growth has slowed. Having developed a highly desirable and increasingly diversified premium tourism product, Dubai continues to meet the needs of an ever-expanding audience. With so much to offer both leisure, eco, sustainable, natural, and cultural and business visitors, from groundbreaking attractions to world-class hospitality, it is little wonder that Dubai is experiencing such significant growth. Dubai attracts more visitors each year than any Arab country outside of Egypt and hosts a major shopping festival in the first quarter that traditionally attracts hordes of regional retail visitors. In this regard, the dense growth of this sector has never let the strategic planners ignore the environment, local populations right, natural sightseeing, cultural values and belief etc. The fast emergence of Dubai on the world tourism map and its spectacular performance is undoubtedly the result of aggressive global marketing and promotional agenda being pursued by the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM). The department, in co-operation and co-ordination with public and private sector organizations, has been successfully developing the appeal of the destination that offers tourists the opportunity to explore traditional Arabian hospitality along with a contemporary lifestyle. All the attractions are well planned and maintain the ecology and natural resources of Dubai for future tourism and its host population. Continuing its aggressive marketing and promotional drive in 2010, DTCM has high lighted the strengths and attractions of the emirates vibrant tourism industry in 36 overseas travel exhibitions and hosting exclusive road shows and workshops in 10 countries. Dubais tourism product offering has considerably expanded last year and more changes are expected this year. Last year, the global tourism industry too underwent rapid changes due to the global economic downturn, requiring fast-rising destinations like Dubai to adopt strategies to remain at the cutting-edge of the highly-competitive business. In short, Dubais position as the leading tourism destination and commercial hub in the world is very prominent and DTCMs mission is to strengthen the Dubai economy through the development of sustainable tourism. Appendix 1 Emirates operates worlds longest eco-flight Sunday 18 January 2009 8:38 AM The Dubai-based airline Emirates has claimed that the first service to operate on its new route from Dubai to San Francisco was the first ever cross-polar green flight and the worlds longest eco-friendly journey. On December 15th, the airline began operations on the 16-hour, non-stop service that uses a Boeing 777-200 long-range aircraft in what the company has called the Em-vironment flight. To plot the most efficient course for the flight, Emirates has worked with government agencies in Dubai, Russia, the US and Canada. Other measures that the airline will also employ to maximize the eco-friendly potential of the new route include the use of electrical power while the aircraft is on the ground in Dubai, the minimal use of thrust when landing, and single-engine taxiing to its destination gate at San Francisco airport. Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al-Maktoum, Emirates chairman and chief executive, said: After months of planning, Emirates Em-vironment flight is a best-practice trial of how airlines, governments, manufacturers, technology providers and airports can work together to be as eco-efficient as possible. The San Francisco inaugural flight will be a dual milestone of commencing services between two great cities and also demonstrating the best our industry can offer in environmental efficiency. Emirates claims that, with some 58 Airbus A380s, A350-XWB and Boeing 777 planes on order (more than any other airline), it will have the worlds greenest fleet of wide-bodied aircraft Appendix 2 Appendix 3 The Emirates Groups vision is to be an environmental leader in the aviation and travel industries. Our goal is to make sustainability and eco-efficiency the cornerstones of all group operations, in the air and on the ground. Aviation is one of the worlds most important contributors to economic and social development particularly in the developing world. The aviation industry employs over 32 million people worldwide and represents 35% of world trade by value it contributes US$1.1 trillion per annum to world GDP. The aviation industry recognises that, although it is only responsible for less than 2%, of global greenhouse gas emissions from human activity, it must be committed to growing sustainably and reducing growth of its emissions. To put this in perspective, shipping accounts for some 4% of human emissions, while ground transport accounts for almost 14% (IPCC, 2004). At current growth rates, aviation is expected to account for only 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Read more about this at Emirates is committed to a global solution for managing the growth in international aviation emissions, through ICAO the International Civil Aviation Organisation as mandated by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. Our customers, staff and regulators are increasingly conscious about the environment and greenhouse gas emissions. Emirates has committed to environmentally-responsible operations through the Groups Corporate Environmental Policy (click here to view). This policy is implemented internally through the Emvironment programme which is communicated internally and externally to staff, customers and all stakeholders. Our focus is becoming an ecologically-efficient organisation growing our business to be economically sustainable, while using fewer resources and creating less waste and pollution. If we achieve these aims, it benefits our customers, the environment and our business the triple bottom line. The Emirates Groups commitment to eco-efficiency means multi-billion dollar investments in the most modern, eco-efficient technology available- in aircraft, engines and ground equipment we strive to be leaders in eco-efficiency in our industry and in our region. We are committed to operating our assets in the most environmentally responsible manner, and in compliance with all applicable environmental regulations and standards. Emirates firmly support our industrys four-pillar strategy to reduce emissions, as developed by our industry body the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Read more about this strategy at Implementation of this strategy includes the use of new technology throughout our Group; making significant investments in the most modern, low-noise, low emissions aircraft available; encouraging governments to make air navigation more fuel and emission friendly; and reducing the environmental impact of our ground operations. We are committed to further reductions in fuel consumption and emissions per passenger our fuel efficiency rates are already 30% lower than the global fleet average. Other goals include staff education, waste reduction and recycling, lower energy use and greater communication internally and externally. Our Emvironment Champions
Sunday, January 19, 2020
National Culture Essay
National culture is the value system and pride associated with a nation. Many people deny their national culture when they move to a new location, and embrace the national culture of their new home. Characteristics of culture As one might expect, all cultures must share several characteristics if ‘’culture’’ is to be differentiated from other forms of behavior. These similarities between all cultures are surprisingly few. The ultimate goal of cultural anthropology is to determine which characteristics all cultures share in common. Society Firstly, all culture must take place through a medium of a group of people, known as a society. Even extinct or imagined cultures have societies to transmit the culture. As culture cannot exist without culture. Other animals, such as bees or ants, congregate into societies, yet these animals do not exhibit it culture. Yet no human society is without culture. The functionalist school of anthropological thought attempts to explain why culture is so vital to human societies. Culture of Bangladesh The culture of Bangladesh has a unique history, dating back more than 2500 years ago.The land, the rivers and the lives of the common people formed a rich heritage with marked differences from neighboring region. The culture of Bangladesh is composite, and over centuries has assimilated influences of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Islam. It is manifested in various forms, including music, dance and drama, art and craft; folklores and folktales; languages and literature, philosophy and religion. Music, dance and drama Music and dance style of Bangladesh may be divided into three categories, namely, the classical, folk and the modern. The classical style has been influenced by other prevalent classical forms of music and dance of the Indian subcontinent and accordingly shows some influences dance forms like bharata natyam and kuchipudi.The folk and tribal music and dance of Bangladesh are of indigenous origin and rooted to the soil of Bangladesh. Several dancing style in the north-eastern part of the Indian subcontinent, like Manipuri and santal dances, are also practiced in Bangladesh, but Bangladesh has developed its own distinct dancing style. Bangladesh has a rich tradition folk songs, with lyrics rooted into vibrant tradition and spirituality, mysticism and devotion. Such folk songs also revole round several and other themes, including love themes. Drama remains popular in Bangladesh, including performances of playes bye local playwrights as well as adaptations from writers of western origi n. Jatra, that is folk drama is also a part of culture of Bangladesh . Pohela Boishakh Pohela Baishakh celebration in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Pà ´hela Boishakh is the first day of the Bengali calendar. It is usually celebrated on the 14th of April. Pohela Boishakh marks the start day of the crop season. Usually on Pà ´hela Boishakh, the home is thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned; people bathe early in the morning and dress in fine clothes. They spend much of the day visiting relatives, friends, and neighbours and going to the fair. Fairs are arranged in many parts of the country where various agricultural products, traditional handicrafts, toys, cosmetics, as well as various kinds of food and sweets are sold. The fairs also provide entertainment, with singers, dancers and traditional plays and songs. Horse races, bull races, bullfights, cockfights, flying pigeons, and boat racingwere once popular. All gatherings and fairs consist a wide spread of Bengali food and sweets. The most colourful New Year’s Day festival takes place in Dhaka. Large numbers of people gather early in the morning under the banyan tree at Ramna Park where Chhayanat artists open the day with Rabindranath Tagore’s famous song, Esho, he Boishakh, Esho esho (Come, year, come, come). A similar ceremony welcoming the new year is also held at the Institute of Fine Arts (Dhaka) and University of Dhaka. Students and teachers of the institute take out a colourful procession and parade to round the campus. Social and cultural organisations celebrate the day with cultural programmes. Newspapers bring out special supplements. There are also special programmes on radio and television. Prior to this day, special discounts on clothes, furniture, electronics and various deals and shopping discounts are available. Special line of sarees, usually cotton, white sarees with red print and embroidery is sold before this day as everyone dresses up for this day. Jasmine flowers are also a huge sale for this event which adorns the women’s hair. Background In 1952, the emerging middle classes of East Bengal underwent an uprising known later as the Bangla Language Movement. Bangladeshis (then East Pakistanis) were initially agitated by a decision by the Central Pakistan Government to establish Urdu, a minority language spoken only by the supposed elite class of West Pakistan, as the sole national language for all of Pakistan. The situation was worsened by an open declaration that â€Å"Urdu and only Urdu will be the national language of Pakistan†by the governor, Khawaja Nazimuddin. Protest Police declared Section 144 which banned any sort of meeting. Defying this, the students of University of Dhaka and Dhaka Medical College and other political activists started a procession on February 21, 1952. Near the current Dhaka Medical College Hospital, police fired on the protesters and numerous people, including Abdus Salam, Rafiq Uddin Ahmed, Sofiur Rahman, Abul Barkat and Abdul Jabbar, died. The movement spread to the whole of East Pakistan and the whole province came to a standstill. Afterwards, the Government of Pakistan relented and gave Bengali equal status as a national language. Effects This movement is thought to have sown the seeds for the independence movement which resulted in the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971. Commemoration To commemorate this movement, Shaheed Minar a solemn and symbolic sculpture, was erected in the place of the massacre. The day is revered in Bangladesh and, to a somewhat lesser extent, in West Bengal as the Martyrs’ Day. This day is the public holiday in Bangladesh. UNESCO decided to observe 21 February as International Mother Language Day. The UNESCO General Conference took a decision to that took effect on 17 November 1999 when it unanimously adopted a draft resolution submitted by Bangladesh and co-sponsored and supported by 28 other countries. In Assam and North-east India In Silchar, India, eleven people were killed by police firing on 19 May 1961 when protesting legislation that mandated the use of the Assamese language.[1] Bengalis in Assam and north-east India observe 19 May as Language Movement Day to remember the 11 Bengalis who were killed on the day by police fire in Silchar Railway Station. Weddings A bride for Turmeric ceremony A traditional wedding is arranged by Ghotoks (matchmakers), who are typically friends or relatives of the couple. The matchmakers facilitate the introduction, and also help agree the amount of any settlement. Bengali weddings are traditionally in five parts: first it is the bride and groom’sMehendi Shondha, the bride’s Gaye Holud, the groom’s Gaye Holud, the Beeya, and the Bou Bhaat. These often take place on separate days. The first event in a wedding is an informal one: the groom presents the bride with a ring marking the â€Å"engagement†which is gaining popularity. For themehendi shondha the bride’s side apply henna to each other as well as the bride for the bride’s Gaye Holud, the groom’s family – except the groom himself – go in procession to the bride’s home. Bride’s friends and family apply turmeric paste to her body as a part of Gaye Hoof bride, and they are traditionally all in matching clothes, m ostly orange in colour. The bride is seated on a dais, and the henna is used to decorate the bride’s hands and feet with elaborate abstract designs. The sweets are then fed to the bride by all involved, piece by piece. The actual wedding ceremony â€Å"Biye†follows the Gaye Holud ceremonies. The wedding ceremony is arranged by the bride’s family. On the day, the younger members of the bride’s family barricade the entrance to the venue, and demand a sort of admission charge from the groom in return for allowing him to enter. The bride and groom are seated separately, and a Kazi (authorized person by the govt. to perform the wedding), accompanied by the parents and a Wakil (witness) from each side formally asks the bride for her consent to the union, and then the groom for his. The bride’s side of the family tries to play some kind of practical joke on the groom such as stealing the groom’s shoe. The reception, also known as Bou-Bhaat (reception), is a party given by the groom’s family in return for the wedding party. It is typically a much more relaxed affair, with only the second-best wedding outfit being worn. Relatives decorating the groom with traditional wedding turmeric in a Bangladeshi Gaye Holud ceremony in Dhaka. Architecture and heritage Bangladesh has appealing architecture from historic treasures to contemporary landmarks. Jatiyo Smriti Soudho, a tribute to liberation war martyrs is also an architectural landmark Sports A cricket match between Bangladesh &India at the Sher-e-Bangla Cricket Stadium inDhaka, Bangladesh Cricket is the most popular sport in Bangladesh, followed by football. Kabaddi is the national sport in Bangladesh. Cricket is a game which has a massive and passionate following in Bangladesh. Bangladesh has joined the elite group of countries eligible to play Test Cricket since 2000. TheBangladesh national cricket team goes by the nickname of the Tigers – after the Royal Bengal Tiger. The people of Bangladesh enjoy watching live sports. Whenever there is a cricket or football match between popular local teams or international teams in any local stadium significant number of spectators gather to watch the match live. The people also celebrate major victories of the national teams with great enthusiasm for the live game. Victory processions are the most common element in such celebrations. A former prime minister even made an appearance after an Internationalone day cricket match in which Bangladesh beat Australia, she came to congratulate the victory. Also in late 2006 and 2007, football legend Zinedine Zidane paid a visit to local teams and various events thanks to the invite of Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Muhammad Yunus. Religion Festivals and celebrations are an integral part of the culture of Bangladesh. Prominent and widely celebrated festivals are Pohela Boishakh, Independence day, National Mourning Day, Eid ul-Fitr, Eid ul-Azha, Moharram, Durga puja, and Language Movement Day. Bangladesh is ethnically homogeneous, with Bengalis comprising 98% of the population. The majority of Bangladeshis (about 90%) are Muslim, and a small number of Hindus, Christians and Buddhists are also living in the country. But due to immense cultural diversity, multiple dialects, hybridization of social traits and norms as well as cultural upbringing, Bangladeshis cannot be stereotyped very easily, except for the only fact that they are very resilient in nature. People of different religions perform their religious rituals with festivity in Bangladesh. The Government has declared National Holidays on all important religious festivals of the four major religions. Durga Puja, Christmas, and Buddha Purnima are celebrated with enthusiasm in Bangladesh. All of these form an integral part of the cultural heritage of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a land of festivity. Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Azha, Eid-e-Miladunnabi, Muharram etc. Hindus observe Durga Puja, Kali Puja, and Sarashwati Puja among others. Buddha Purnima is the biggest festival for Bengali Buddhists, and Borodin (Christmas) is celebrated by the Christians. People from several tribal communities also have their respective festival as well. Apart from these religious and tribal celebrations we also have several secular festivals. Pohela Boishakh (Bangali New Year) is the biggest among all the festivals in Bangladesh. We also observe 21 February as Shahid Dibash (as observed worldwide as International Mother Language Day), 26 March as Independence Day, and 16 December as Victory Day. Lifestyle Cuisine Panta Ilish – a traditional platter ofPanta bhat, with fried hilsa slice, supplemented with dried fish (shutki),pickles (achar), dal, chillies, and onion – is a popular dish during the Pohela Boishakh festival. Bangladesh is famous for its distinctive culinary tradition, delicious food, snacks, and savories. Boiled rice constitutes the staple food, and is served with a variety of vegetables, fried as well with curry, thick lentil soups, fish and meat preparations of mutton, beef, and chicken, and very rarely pork only by certain small groups. Sweetmeats of Bangladesh are mostly milk based, and consist of several delights including roshgulla, sandesh, rasamalai, gulap jamun, kalo jamun, and chom-chom. Several other sweet preparations are also available. Bengali cuisine is rich and varied with the use of many specialized spices and flavours. Fish is the dominant source of protein, cultivated in ponds and fished with nets in the fresh-water rivers of the Ganges delta. More than 40 types of mostly freshwater fish are common, including carp, varieties like rui (rohu), katla, magur (catfish), chingÃ…â€"i (prawn or shrimp), as well as shuÃ… £ki (dried sea fish) are popular. Salt water fish (not sea fish though) and Ilish (hilsa ilisha) are very popular among Bengalis, can be called an icon of Bengali cuisine. Serving dishes with beef is not a rare occurrence in Bangladesh. Beef curry is very common and an essential part of Bengal cuisine. Dress Bangladeshi people have unique dress preferences. Bangladeshi men sometimes wear kurta or fatua on religious and cultural occasions. Bangladeshi men wear lungi as casual wear (in rural areas) and shirt-pant or suits on formal occasions. The lungi is not considered proper to be worn outside the house except by the farmers and the low-income families. Shalwar Kameez and Sharee are the main dresses of Bangladeshi women. The women also have a different preference to which types of Shalwar Kameez and Sharee they would like to wear. Whether it may be silk sharees, georgette sharees, or designer sharees, each particular fabric contributes to representing the culture overall. Weaving the fabric for these dresses is a traditional art in Bangladesh. Conclusion Different culture groups think, feel, and act differently. There are no scientific standards for considering one group as intrinsically superior or inferior to another. Studying differences in culture among groups and societies presuppose a position of cultural relativism. It does not imply normalcy for oneself, or nor for one’s society. It, however, calls for judgment when dealing with groups or societies different from one’s own. Information about the nature of cultural differences between societies, their roots, and their consequences should precede judgment and action. Negotiation is more likely to succeed when the parties concerned understand the reasons for the differences in viewpoints.
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